regency erotica/reverse harem/mm/multiple partners

The Lost Temple of Min: Julia #15

A harem of my own!

Jaci Chandler
4 min readFeb 1, 2023


Jaci chandler, Julia stories, reverse harem, fun romp, steamy
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I’d once called Carrington small , but that was only in comparison to other men I knew. I’d grown up with giants, and Carrington stuck out like a sore thumb. But cupping me from behind, he wasn’t small at all.

His hands slid up over my sides and locked over my nipples, pinching them to agonized attention. Judging from the stiffness of his cock he had a much better view. It really wasn’t fair. I tried to push him away, but couldn’t get a grip on him. Because of the way we were positioned, he had the advantage.

His huff of laughter told me he’d noticed and I gave him a dirty look he couldn’t see but noticed anyway.

“You want him, don’t you?” He licked me, a quick flick of his tongue. It wasn’t the first time I imagined he’d read my mind. He was uncannily perceptive, or maybe I was more transparent than I thought.

He’d once told me I reminded him of a herring fillet. I’m not sure if that had been a compliment, but he seemed to like fish and herring were…transparent?


I gave up with a sigh and imagined Aidan pushing into my hungry depths. “Stop it, Carrington, you’re trying to distract me.”



Jaci Chandler

I want all the good feels! Insta-love, fated mates and lots of explicit food. Talk to me about cake, baby!