regency erotica / FF / spanking

Imprisoned by the Sheik’s Lustful Wife: Lady Julia #13

I release my Inner Mistress in order to escape!

Jaci Chandler
8 min readMay 4, 2021


The evil first wife of the sheik wants me for her concubine
Deposit photos

The chain locked to my ankle was approximately fifteen feet long. Not exactly short. It was more than long enough to reach the door and far wall.

I tried to go around the food but the tempting table drew me like a moth to the flame whispering, I’m delicious…come and see. Small platters of braised dove stuffed with rice and fruit, a elaborately decorated bowl of couscous and some kind of lamb stew with preserved lemons all tempted me to fill my exceedingly large plate.

By the time Samira joined me with a pot full of tea I was in a very good mood indeed. She handed me a glass in a filigreed holder and filled it to the brim before sitting down herself.

For a time there was silence while we ate and smiled at each other. Circumstances might be dire but anyone who fed me the most delicious stew ever (it had lemons in it!) couldn’t be all that bad. She passed me a slab of thick bread and I dunked it in my stew with a smile.

“So good,” I murmured.

“So polite,” she said, stroking the back of my hand. “Have you explored your new home, little dove?”



Jaci Chandler

I want all the good feels! Insta-love, fated mates and lots of explicit food. Talk to me about cake, baby!